Saturday, October 10, 2009

When the North Winds Blow

The weather changed abruptly yesterday when a northern front arrived bringing much cooler temperatures and yet more rain. With any luck, the front will bring in the first of our fall and winter birds.

If other years are anything to go by, our elm tree and should soon see the return of Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers and Yellow-rumped Warblers.

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker

Yellow-rumped Warbler

The suet feeders are almost certain to attract Ruby-crowned Kinglets, as well as Orange-crowned and Pine Warblers.

Ruby-crowned Kinglet

Orange-crowned Warbler

Pine Warbler

I would be amazed - and very disappointed - if the House Finches at our seed feeders don't have to compete with numerous Chipping Sparrows.

Chipping Sparrows

I'll be putting up thistle socks shortly and it shouldn't be long before they are crowded with American Goldfinches.

However, it will probably be at least another month before the tops of our oak and sycamore trees are graced by flocks of Cedar Waxwings.

If we're lucky, we may even get some less common visitors. This time two years ago saw the arrival of Red-breasted Nuthatches, which stayed to brighten up our yards throughout the winter.

In England I used to dread the approach of winter. Here I just can't wait for it!


  1. It's great to see all our little winter friends represented here. You are absolutely right - winter in Southeast Texas is an exciting time for birders.

    The forecasts that I've seen don't give us much chance that the Red-breasted Nuthatches or Pine Siskins will visit us this year. But hope springs eternal! Forecasts have been wrong before.

  2. I, too, suspect that there won't be any kind of influx of unusual birds this winter. However, there may be a few unusual individuals or pairs - like the female Pyrrhuloxia that has wintered on Longenbaugh for the past couple of years.

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