Monday, November 26, 2012

Brazos Bend: Part 2

After 40 Acre Lake we had a picnic at Elm Lake, where a pair of Red-shouldered Hawks were keeping watch over the area.

Apart from the hawks and a large alligator, the lake was quiet.

On our way out of the park, we stopped to do a quick walk around Creekfield Lake.

A group of Black Vultures was clustered on the far bank.

Further along that bank a Roseate Spoonbill was bathing with half-a-dozen White Ibis.

A Tricolored Heron was hunting nearer to the path.

There were adult and young Common Gallinules also.

The Gallinules were unconcerned by a large group of Black-bellied Whistling Ducks grazing in the water.

Our last sighting was of an adult Whistling Duck keeping watch while its five young fed.

Whenever they were alarmed, most of the young birds rushed to be near their parent.

This will probably be our last visit to Brazos Bend for a while. For the rest of the year, any birding I do will probably be on the Katy Prairie, now that sparrows are turning up there in some numbers.

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