Friday, November 23, 2012

Brazos Bend State Park

Last Saturday morning we met up with some friends for a walk and a picnic at Brazos Bend State Park.

We began with a stroll around 40 Acre Lake, much of which is unfortunately now covered with invasive water hyacinth.

The stretches of open water were busy with Blue-winged Teal and Pied-billed Grebes.

As usual, there were also several alligators.

The edges of the lake had many large wading birds: Great Blue Herons (below), Little Blue Herons, Great Egrets and White Ibis (below).  

Common Moorhens and American Coots foraged among the vegetation or floated across the surface of the lake. 

An Anhinga perched on a log to dry its wings.

The trees along the sides of the lake had Yellow-rumped Warblers, Northern Cardinals (below) and many Eastern Phoebes (below).

Meanwhile, Killdeer explored the mud around the lake and Red-eared Sliders basked in the sunlight.

Our final sihting before moving on to Elm Lake was of a Snowy Egret trying to scare up prey in the shallows.



  1. Great stuff Jeff, its good that since my visit to Sth America I can now appreciate some of these species when you post them up.

  2. Hi Jeff,

    Brazos Bend is my favorite place! I saw a lot of the same birds at Brazos Bend on Tuesday, Nov 20. Did you see the American Bittern? There is one that hangs on the left-hand canal as you head toward the Observation Tower at 40-acre lake.

    He is most cooperative in having his picture made!

    Good stuff, and great pictures.

  3. Thanks, Dave.
    I missed the Bittern!
