Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Looking for Yellow-rumped Warblers

Monday morning I went out for a quick walk around part of the CyFair campus. I wanted to see if I could find some Yellow-rumped Warblers to photograph. The Warblers seem to like the small pine trees growing along the path behind the CASA building and so that's the area I headed for.

That part of the campus has a great many Northern Mockingbirds and several turned out to look me over as soon as I arrived.

I disturbed an Eastern Phoebe, which flew up to a safer perch.

A couple of Yellow-rumpeds were pottering around in a pine near the path but it was difficult to get a clear picture of them amongst the branches.

A moment later another Warbler popped up on the bare branches of a different tree and stayed there long enough for me to get a few shots.

I kept waiting for the bird to turn round to show its yellow rump but it wouldn't oblige. However, just as I was leaving, another Warbler appeared and let me grab a quick photo.


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