Monday, August 05, 2013

Back Home

Since getting back from Nevada and Utah, I haven't had much time for birding. However, on Saturday I managed to fit in a couple of hours on the Katy Prairie.

I spent an hour vainly scouring the hedgerows, fences and utility wires along Sharp Road for Dickcissels. Apart from a family of Northern Bobwhites, I saw only common birds including lots of Black Vultures and a couple of Crested Caracaras.

Paul Rushing Park was more productive. Within a few minutes I had gotten a glimpse of a Pectoral Sandpiper and good looks at four heron species: Great Blue, Little Blue, Yellow-crowned Night and Green (below).

Killdeer were everywhere and several groups of Black-bellied Whistling Ducks (below) flew over.  

There were also flyovers by White-faced and White Ibis, while a young White Ibis was grazing near one of the ponds. 

As always in summer at Paul Rushing, Common Nighthawks were plentiful. 

Just as I was photographing one sitting on a fence, it lifted off, giving a good view of its beautifully patterned tail.


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