Sunday, August 11, 2013

Busy in our Yards

It continues to be busy in our yards. Unfortunately, though, much of the activity is down to birds that we'd rather not have. 

House Sparrows are acceptable in small numbers but we often have 20+ at a time these days.

We also have way too many White-winged Doves. There are often 20-30 on the grass.

And, of course, many of them spend a lot of time trying to squeeze onto our feeders.

The next most numerous species is Northern Cardinal. I'm not sure how many breeding pairs we have but it must be several, judging by the number of young birds coming to our feeders.

One surprise visitor the other day was a young Brown-headed Cowbird. It turned up with some immature N Cardinals and so I'm thinking it was hatched and is being raised by an unsuspecting pair of Cardinals.


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