Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Local Area Birding

Our yards have been busy with all our normal residents but we've also had a couple of spring migrants. Dee saw a male Indigo Bunting while I was at work and then she drew my attention to another new yard bird: Gray Catbird.

The Bald Eagles nesting near the Longwood detention pond are thriving. There are still two eaglets in the nest but one looks like it will be fledging soon.

On the CyFair campus one of the Black Vulture eggs has hatched.

The mother was lurking nearby but there was no sign of a chick.

I haven't seen many migrants on the campus so far this spring but a couple popped up on Monday. One was a Great Crested Flycatcher.

The other was an Eastern Wood-Pewee.

I also spotted my first Swainson's Hawk of the year.

All of the apartments in our Purple Martin complex are occupied. 

I enjoy watching the Martins as they glide and swoop overhead, and also when they come in to land.

The Western Kingbirds which nest on the campus should be arriving any day now, and I'm hoping that the next couple of weeks will also produce some warblers and other spring migrants..


  1. Great time of year Jeff. Lovely images. Same this side of the pond with the expectation of the new arrivals. The early Migrants have started coming in now, so I must get out a few afternoons this week.

  2. With any luck we're moving to Barcelona next year, so I should get to do some birding in Spain and the UK from then on.
