Tuesday, May 27, 2014

South Llano River State Park: The Final Morning

I was out early on Sunday to fit in a couple of hours birding in the state park before the drive home.

It was a dark and cold morning and few birds except Black-crested Titmice were visible at the Acorn Blind.

A walk down to the river produced few birds, apart from Turkey and Black Vultures.

However, by the time I got back to Acorn Blind, things were starting to look up. A female Summer Tanager appeared.

Then a Yellow Warbler.

Finally, a new bird: male Indigo Bunting.

He decided to bathe.

Another yellow bird was hopping around in the bushes: Bell's Vireo.

On my walk to the car, a Summer Tanager perched on a sign was totally unconcerned by my presence.

As I was leaving the park, I stopped at Lora's Blind. As usual, it was busy with sparrows, including a Field Sparrow that allowed several photos.

A Western Scrub Jay was busily looking for seeds.

An English couple already in the blind told me that they had seen a Wild Turkey just before I arrived. Five minutes later the bird re-appeared. It was the only Turkey I saw during our trip.

Back at the motel, Dee had been trying to evict a scorpion from our room, in case it stung Petra. Unfortunately, she wasn't able to trap it and so she had no choice but to kill it instead. A rather sad end to what was otherwise a great short trip.


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