Thursday, May 29, 2014

Bits and Pieces

It hasn't been too busy bird-wise since I got back from our Junction trip. Common Nighthawks occasionally fly over the parking lots. Our Western Kingbirds must be nesting because they are not very visible or audible at present. As usual, Black-bellied Whistling Ducks turn up all over the campus.

I'm hoping that later in the summer I'll see Whistling Ducks bringing their ducklings to the retention ponds. In the meantime I'll have to make do with the Mallard who is giving her brood swimming lessons there.

Meanwhile we have seen the return of the Black Vulture that likes admiring itself in the Library windows.

At home our resident birds are all raising young. I haven't yet managed to get photos of most of the juveniles - including Downy and Red-bellied Woodpeckers - but a couple of young Northern Cardinals haven't been so elusive.

Our House Finches seem to have just one baby.

It has been so busy at the feeders that birds sometimes have to line up on the shed roof waiting their turn, like this Tufted Titmice.

Down at the Longwood retention pond the two young Bald Eagles have fledged. However, one was still hanging around the nest.

An adult lurked nearby to keep an eye on the youngster.

I'm not sure whether all the calling was aimed at me or the eaglet or something else. It was impressively loud, though.

At the weekend I'll go back to the pond to see if I can get a look at the other adult and the older juvenile.

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