Monday, June 02, 2014

Crosby Kites

Sunday morning at 7:30 I was in Crosby looking for the Swallow-tailed Kites that nest there each summer. I didn't see any sign of the birds as I drove slowly along Aweigh Drive. I turned right onto Wherry Drive, intending to do a U-turn and head back along Aweigh. I didn't need to do so. As soon as I reached Wherry, I spotted the Kites in trees on the right side of the road.

Four Kites were in one tree and three were in another right beside it.

Every so often, one or more of the birds would take off and fly around for a while before returning to the two trees.

One bird passed overhead carrying nesting material to a tree further back from the road.

One of the best things about this location is that you are able to watch the birds at very close range (no binoculars required) while they do their morning grooming.

If you are lucky, you may even get to see them mating.


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