Monday, November 10, 2014

A New Site

Last weekend I visited a site I'd never birded before: Brunswick Lakes. The site is just north of Beltway 8 a little east of 288. It isn't a very beautiful location but it attracts a good range of birds that like water.

The hundreds of gulls were mainly Laughing Gulls but there were two Franklin's mixed in with them.

I almost overlooked a couple of Caspian Terns also.

Birds on the water included a few Blue-winged Teal, a Gadwall and several American Coots.

A handful of Yellowlegs and other shorebirds were too far away to photograph and difficult to ID without a scope. Larger wading birds were easier to see and they were present in large numbers. 

As well as a Great Blue Heron, a Reddish Egret and Little Blue Herons, there was a Tricolored Heron.

Snowy Egrets were present but were outnumbered by dozens of Great Egrets.

About a hundred White Ibis were grazing in the water. 

At one point they formed a long line right across a section of the lake.

Mixed in with the White Ibis were three White-faced Ibis.

They were joined by some Roseate Spoonbills, too, while other Spoonbills grazed or preened nearby.

My final sighting was of an Eastern Phoebe, which perched near me for a while before flying off to harass a Northern Mockingbird.

I must remember to check the site out again before too long. It certainly seems to be one of the better inland water sites in Harris County. Also, it's only 45 minutes from our house - and that's just around the corner in Houston terms.


  1. The location may not seem scenic Jeff but it sure produced a very interesting mix of species.

  2. I was impressed by the variety of species, Frank, and also by the sheer number of birds present. For example, I don't think I've ever seen so many Ibis grazing together.
