Wednesday, November 05, 2014

Lunchtime Birding

Last Tuesday I decided to spend lunchtime visiting the Precinct 3 park that is just across Barker Cypress Road from LSC-CyFair. I was hoping that the first of the winter ducks might have arrived.

A small bird was paddling around and diving, but it was a Pied-billed Grebe not a duck.

A raft of dark birds was floating around further down the lake. It didn't take long to see they were only American Coots.

But wait a minute. One of those birds was different. As I got nearer, I realized it was a female American Wigeon, apparently quite comfortable hanging out with 120 American Coots. So winter ducks had started arriving.

Just then an Osprey flew over, followed a little later by four Mottled Ducks. (The latter are year-round residents in our area.)

Three small birds were floating along together on the far side of the lake. As they drew closer, I could see two were a pair of adult Ring-necked Ducks. So no doubt the third bird was a juvenile Ring-necked. 

As it turned out, it wasn't. In fact, it was a juvenile Ruddy Duck. Just like the Wigeon, this bird seemed to be happy to tag along with birds of a different species.


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