Sunday, March 06, 2016

Coastal Trip: Part 3

We didn't have a lot of luck with birds along the Bolivar peninsula on Sunday morning. Rollover Pass had thousands of birds but all of them were on sandbanks far away from the beach.

The beach at Retillon Road wasn't much more productive either. All we saw were Brown Pelicans, a Long-billed Curlew and Ring-billed Gulls.


Things picked up when we reached the ferry harbor, which had many handsome Brown Pelicans.

There were also several groups of American White Pelicans, most of which were busy grooming.


Only one of the American White Pelicans was fishing.


As usual, the ferry ride over to Galveston provided lots of opportunities to photograph Laughing Gulls.


I was very taken by the beautiful eyes of this Ring-billed Gull, as I'd never before noticed the red eye-ring.

Luckily, I had remembered to bring along some Triscuits and so Dee was able to have fun feeding Laughing Gulls from the stern of the boat.


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