Tuesday, March 08, 2016

Coastal Trip: Part 4

After largely dipping on birds on Bolivar, I wasn't too optimistic about Galveston. However, although birds were fairly scarce, there were some good ones.

I was too slow stopping and getting out of the car to get photos of a pair of White-tailed Kites on Stewart Road but three Sandhill Cranes on 8 Mile Road were more obliging.



Sportsmen Road is normally an excellent place for watching and photographing Egrets, Herons and other large wading birds. On this trip, though, there was only a single White Ibis in the channel next to the road.

Nearby was a rather forlorn-looking Osprey.

Our final stop was at the end of 8 Mile Road. In spite of the fact that the area was busy with anglers, there were several Ruddy Turnstones.

A solitary Willet also seemed to be oblivious to the people.

I was hoping that the site would still have the Common Loon that we'd seen there at the end of last year. Sure enough, there it was again. 

Of course, I can't really be sure that it was the exact same bird but it seems likely to me!

By now it was time for lunch at our favorite Galveston restaurant, Mario's on the Seawall. And after that we would have to start the drive home. However, we'll no doubt be doing the same trip again at least twice in April, when spring migration should insure that we see many more birds than we managed this time.

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