Saturday, May 21, 2016

Whistling Ducks

I haven't had any time for birding lately because we've been busy preparing our house for sale. However, on a recent visit to our doctor I managed to fit in a few minutes watching some Black-bellied Whistling Ducks preening behind the North Cypress Medical Center at Huffmeister and 290.

Preening starts off quietly with the careful re-arranging of a few ruffled feathers.

Then a quick splash to settle everything down.

Now it's time for some work on those harder-to-reach tail feathers.

This is followed by another quick splash.

Now it's time for the difficult part: Getting those wing feathers in order. 

There always seems to be one area that requires extra effort.

Now a really good, long splash is called for.

And the end result is a perfectly groomed Whistling Duck.



  1. There's natural beauty all around us, everywhere! What an awesome world our Lord made! This made for a very good little story op!
    Barbara, blogging at Life & Faith in Caneyhead

  2. Brilliant collection superb images.
