Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Some Last Visits

Now that our move to Spain is approaching, Dee and I have been making what will probably be our last-ever visits to some of our favorite birding sites. We made one such visit to Sheldon Lake State Park last week.

It was a very hot day and birds were pretty scarce. However, the ponds were looking lovely, many covered in beautiful water lilies.

Green blue and red dragonflies were everywhere.

Half-a-dozen Little Blue Herons flew off too quickly for me to get photos, as did a Tricolored Heron and a Green Heron. Yellow-crowned Night Herons in several of the ponds were less skittish.

One of them was too involved in eating a crawdad it had caught to pay us much attention.

We've visited Sheldon dozens of times over the past 13 years and it's certainly going to be one of the wildlife sites that we miss most when we leave for Spain.

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